Jim McCormick
About the Artist
About the artist teaches us about photography as a creative outlet where Oil, Inks, Glass and Air intersect and create amazing images. Abstract Macro Photography is my deepest creative passion. This genre is a blend of chemistry, physics, and the photographic arts. This very small place where Art and Science intersect and teach us how light reflects and refracts in and through these elements. This is a quiet peaceful place. One that no one else experiences until I share the moment in time as an image or print. Our human curiosity and compels us to consider the image; and so much more.
“Healing is found in this art form as it opens the mind to new thoughts.”
About The Artist’s Vision
Everyone is invited into my photographic world to explore, learn, share, and start a dialogue. My fine art photography is restorative, contemplative, and meditative. This art form opens the mind to new thoughts. Art is Air for the Mind® reflects the healing nature of my expression. Viewers are drawn and ask about focal planes, motion, color, and the materials. Countless people online, at shows, in galleries, and those who have purchased the prints find themselves engaged with a piece of art that makes them think, ponder and escape our everyday world.
Best Wishes
Art brings us to a better place as we move beyond our normal life experiences. This is where I find joyful helping people move to a better place.
Explore this world with me and add art to enhance your life’s experience.